Rotten Apple

Rotten apple on the dinner table
It makes the cloth smells horrible
And it makes the flies goes mumble
I can throw it into the trash
To make it and other useless thing crash
But I don't know why I can't touch that thing
Because when I want to take it become a blink
And then it make me bleeding like a string
That rotten apple, the most useless thing I've ever know
But why it glow?
And when I see it, it beautiful like a snow
Don't ask me why
Just ask the sky
The place where God is lay

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

How To Wear A Yukata

Oke, mungkin entri kali ini gak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan VenRiFor atau apapun. Tapi, gak ada salahnya kan tau gimana caranya make yukata, sekalipun kita gak punya yukata...
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Oke, selamat mencoba ya... Oh ya, kalo mau beli Yukata, beli aja di toko online atau buat sendiri. Gampang kok buatnya...!


Dias Etaka

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